Let’s Make A Pokémon Sequel! (2024)

Let’s Make A Pokémon Sequel! (1)

Art by Jose Mata

No matter what your thoughts may be, over the years Pokémon has done their best to give us unforgettable experiences with every generation and one of those key moments was when GameFreak decided to create the first sequel in the franchise, Pokémon Black/White 2 (released: 2012).

This endeavor, led by Director and Lead Artist Takao Unno, was the first additional title not made into a third entry like the previous generation, Pokémon Platinum (released: 2008/2009). Long story short it became a hit amongst fans, especially with its focus on a more complex plot. These entries had a much more developed plot than the usual Pokémon thanks to the talents of Head Writer Toshinobu Matsumiya, who first made an impression on the company with his additions to Pokémon Yellow Special Pikachu Edition (released: 1999/1998).Funny enough he and Kenji Matsushima also contributed greatly to the games we’ll be building off of today, Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal (GSC).

Let’s Make A Pokémon Sequel! (2)

Original artwork sourced from officially released Pokémon artwork.

Pokémon Crystal, internationally released throughout 1999-2001, gives us a fascinating story of loss, hope, and rebirth. All playing out in the background tale of a simple boy and his thief of a rival, Silver. A plot so memorable that I’m sitting here in my home office, almost twenty-five years later, multiple remakes, spin-offs, seven generations later, and this game still holds a very special place in my heart.

My wheels started turning and I thought: What if Pokémon Crystal had a sequel and what in the world would that look like?

Let’s figure it out as we make a Pokémon sequel!

When: Let’s really think about this.

Let’s Make A Pokémon Sequel! (3)

Art by Jose Mata

First let’s answer the question: when and where we are? The where is easy, Johto but the when will be a little harder unless we have an anchor for our timeline. Personally, I think our best choice for an anchor would be a trainer we’ve all been allowed to witness grow older, so let’s take a look at one of the last times we saw our friend and Mt. Silver secret boss Red. Taking into account the mainline series, Red’s most recent appearance was in Pokémon Sun and Moon as a 30 year old veteran champion working in the Battle Tree as one of its bosses. This means it’s been sixteen years since the events of Gold, Silver, and Crystal, giving us plenty of space to play around in.

Where: I mean this is obvious right?

Let’s Make A Pokémon Sequel! (4)

Art by Jose Mata

Like I said before, it’s a given that this will take place in Johto, but to really focus on (and consolidate resources) this it will ONLY take place in Johto. Now I’m betting some of you are already about to type your claims of blasphemy against this change, but I’d like for this project to be somewhat realistic on what GameFreak/The Pokémon Company can successfully accomplish.

Keeping that in mind, sixteen years have passed, and so much has changed since our last visit! Especially on the technological side of things, Johto has moved forward by quite a lot!

Now let’s go around the region to see how things have changed.

New Bark City: Its been awhile.

Let’s Make A Pokémon Sequel! (5)

Our precious little town has grown up into a busy city with a port and ferry ride to Kanto which is sadly (on purpose) currently out of commission. Getting famous over the past champion and hero being from there, Professor Elm got funding from the government to increase his lab’s level of research, this leading to a cascade of new jobs. Professor Elm is no longer running the show however, he decided after a while to pass the torch to his protégé, Professor Orange.

Any who, we’ll have our main character start once again in New Bark City, but this time to switch things up he’ll be taken care of by his older brother. His mother’s not out of the picture of course, she just tends to go visit Goldenrod City a lot these days.

Goldernrod City: More I say!

Let’s Make A Pokémon Sequel! (6)

Goldenrod City still rings clear in my memory, the spectacle of its size and key part in so many past story events for this region. Well, just like most cities today, progress stops for no one and that definitely counts for Goldenrod. Building up even bigger than the last time we saw it, people from Pokéstar Studios have set up their second location in the city brining all kinds of quirky people, the Pokeathlon Dome has also grown in size becoming the world wide center for new kind of Pokémon Olympics, and in place of the Global Terminal, a large new Pokémon Contest Colosseum attached to the new ribbon feature (more on this later) is there waiting for players to challenge. Another fascinating rework on coming to you in this sequel is the Goldenrod Radio Tower, now updated with more floors, new shows, crazy programs thanks to PokéstarStudios, and funny little cooking show taking the region by storm, brought you by none other than the protagonist’s mother.

Cherrygrove City: Lost and New Secrets.

Let’s Make A Pokémon Sequel! (7)

We all know Cherrygrove City as a quiet little place by the ocean’s edge where we were all dragged around by an old man just trying to teach us what’s what, but time has not been kind. Cherrygrove City has changed dramatically after a terrifying natural disaster, clawing away of what was before, only leaving a crumbling ghost town in its wake. Most of the original townsfolk have either left for other towns or are too scared to leave their homes now due to what the tragedy brought to light a couple years ago, a dangerous mine they call The Cave of Perdition. A mine full of terrifying Pokémon that sometimes venture out of the cave and even attack inside the city limits. Our whole sequel revolves around lost and new secrets of Cherrygrove City just waiting for the player to find out.

The Plot: Somebody is missing.

Let’s Make A Pokémon Sequel! (8)

Ken Sugimoriartwork forProfessor Oak’s Research (Expedition 149) (AI Upscale)

Every Pokémon game needs a story that not only adds to the world of Pokémon but also that can be marketed to a broad range of consumers. Over the years Pokémon stories have become slightly more complex only to then reset into something lighthearted for a younger generation but I think this time around what would be best is a more serious tone understanding the demographic that’ll be buying this game. It’ll be older gamers, people with their minds linked to the childhood nostalgia they cherish so much.

Keeping all this in tow, we’ll first introduce the main cast of characters and if that goes well, we’ll dive into the nitty gritty of what kind of tale we can weave.

Five years after the events of Pokémon Crystal, a massive earthquake broke Johto, changing the landscape of the region. In Cherrygrove City specifically as the earth shifted and waters moved into the city, it brought to light an old ancient crystal mine with a very peculiar blue crystal at the depths of its heart. Many ancient Pokémon and new regional Pokémon woke to its power making the mine a dangerous place, chasing away many residents. After some time, news of the mine brought researchers interested in what the crystals were and how they ancestors might of used them. As time went though, even these people of science began to disappear, never coming back once stepping foot into its darkness. Our protagonist brother is then called upon by the Elite Four to find them which is where our story begins.

Speaking of, the protagonist of course will be taking center stage but this time around they won’t be physically customizable. I understand that this flies in the face of the direction Pokémon has taken lately but you’ll understand why, so stay with me.

Main Character: Zack

Zack (Japanese: 山崎Yamazaki) a sixteen year old kid who would put Dominic Toretto to shame with how much he loves his family and their Pokémon. That being said, he wasn’t all that convinced he wanted to be a Pokémon trainer since his brother kind of had that covered. Zack instead has a real love for basketball wanting to one day join the players in Unova’s Small Court in Nimbasa City, but when his brother the one and only Johto champion, Ethan (Japanese: ヒビキ Hibiki) is asked to investigate the Cherrygrove City mines for some reason, leading to his disappearance for months after discovering something new inside, he knew he had to do something. This gives our player a unique start to their Pokémon journey, instead of getting a Pokémon from a professor, he’ll be taking one of his brother’s old Pokémon to head off to Cherrygrove City at night (against his mother’s wishes) to find out what happened to Ethan.

Rival: Cadet Mary

Cadet Mary (Japanese: モネ Monet), sixteen year old daughter of Lt. Surge (Japanese: マチス Matisse), who was sent to Johto to take the gym challenge as a way of training her to become the next Kanto electric type gym leader after her father. She’s a very serious trainer due to her military-like childhood, who doesn’t take losing easy, doing whatever it takes to win even if it means using brutal tactics that might hurt her Pokémon. Mary meets Zack when bumps into her while he’s running into the Poké Mart trying to hide from the cops in Cherrygrove City after crossing the yellow tape that’s meant to keep civilians out of the mines. She doesn’t trust how nervous Zack is acting so she challenges him to a battle right there and then inside the barely running store!

Professor Orange

Professor Orange (Japanese: コウジ Koji ), the enigmatic protégé of Professor Elm likes to have a hands-on approach with his Pokémon research which gets him hurt often but he just shrugs it off. Overall Professor Orange is a mystery though, most people kind of surprised Professor Elm even became his mentor due to his wild take on research. Unlike the typical Pokémon professor, he doesn’t ask you to complete the Pokédex since he likes catching Pokémon with his bare hands, hence all the scars he has, but the player does receive a Pokédex from him nonetheless as a thank you for reviving him after a failed catch inside the Ilex Forest, by using a Full Restore. He doesn’t push you to complete it, but lets the protagonist know it’s a race to see who gets the newest Pokédex entries first.

Our main plot would follow these three as their storylines intersect again and again taking a further step in what GameFreak was trying to do with Pokémon Scarlet/Violet with its multiple stories.

This game won’t work however, unless every aspect of it, including the story and characters are work of love connected somehow to the Pokémon GSC where it all began. That includes none other than a good villain made from the consequences of past actions.

The Villain: Drogo

Drogo (Japanese: 征服者 Ikuo) was once a simple retired Pokémon trainer living a quiet life in Johto until the events of the Team Rocket take over of Goldenrod Radio Tower took everything from him. That terrible signal sent out by the tower drove his Gengar into a wild rage destroying his home and family. Through his mourning he became angry with not only Team Rocket but the whole region of Johto for having to rely on kids to clean up a mess while gym leaders stood by doing nothing. One day Drogo had enough, yelling if he was in charge none of this would have happened, his family would still be safe. This rage led to a vow and then led to him becoming the founder of Team Siege. Their goal? To rule Johto with an iron fist, so that no one will taste the sorrow he had to.

Regional Variants, A Smaller Pokédex & More.

Let’s Make A Pokémon Sequel! (9)

Original artwork sourced from officially released Pokémon artwork.

For the love of Mewtwo, put your pitchforks down and just give me a chance to explain a bit before the riot begins. Pokémon games don’t need a massive Pokédex to tug at your heart or to be a success (I’m looking at you Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee). I think to keep the game manageable because of the new games features and to make sure every Pokémon in the game has some great animations, the Pokédex will be limited to 300 Pokémon with a few regional variants.

Speaking of which, let’s talk about our new regional forms


Let’s Make A Pokémon Sequel! (10)

Pokedex Entry #0420: Cherubi, originally from Sinnoh, this Pokémon took a turn once his environment started to change due to the nonstop infrastructural development of Johto. It no longer takes in nutrients from the sun and ground around it; instead stealing whips of life force from young adventures out on a night time stroll.


Let’s Make A Pokémon Sequel! (11)

Pokedex Entry #0421: Cherrim isn’t a Pokémon regional form most people get to see, in fact it’s considered to be quite rare since in order to evolve a Cherubi into a Cherrim, you have to visit the lost, haunted, and rusting Celebi shrine. A shrine hidden by the overgrown Ilex Forest and guarded by the viscous Pokémon below.

The Shiftry Line

Let’s Make A Pokémon Sequel! (12)

Pokedex Entry #0275: All it took was one bad trainer leaving a Shiftry alone and injured to fend off wild Pokémon inside of Ilex Forest, for this Pokémon to take on a form locked away deep in its genetic code. This Pokémon line has become aggressive, violent, and cruel. Going so far to even leave traps for trainers and their Pokémon to get hurt. Most Pokémon steer clear of this Pokémon line, except for Celebi, which has been said to hang around these Pokémon. Rumor says they guard the lost Shrine of Celebi.

Eclipse Form Lycanroc?!

Let’s Make A Pokémon Sequel! (13)

Pokedex Entry #????:This Pokémon is said to be seen roaming quietly in Ilex Forrest, its presence only noticed by unfortunate souls who get too close to Celebi’s abandoned shrine. Eclipse Form Lycanroc is a dangerous beast, that even Pokémon like Suicune, RaikouandEntei, steer clear of. Don’t go looking for Eclipse Form Lycanroc unless you want to meet an early end.

New Game Features: Patterns & Ribbon Effects.

Let’s Make A Pokémon Sequel! (14)

Ken Sugimoriartwork forPokémon Breeder Fields (Neo Revelation 62) (AI upscale)

Every Pokémon game is known to have new features, and originally in this region, Pokémon Breeding came into play. That being said, breeding has been kind of made obsolete by recent games like Pokémon Scarlet, Violet, Sword, and Shield. To mend that, we could take a page out of a fan favorite game Magikarp Jump (released: 2017), and introduce a new breeding mechanic that allows for Pokémon to be bred for specific patterns. Patterns that could maybe be assigned to certain berries being fed and certain nature Pokémon being bred together. There would be no battling advantages to each pattern but I believe there would be a fantastic opportunity for GameFreak to implement a new ribbon system for players that would add some more visual variety to the overall game.

To gain these new ribbons, there would be a new type of Pokémon contest, with an ai based ranking system that would give an edge of rarity to a different pattern per game, that way every player’s Pokémon experience allows for a unique strategy in each contest.

The Aesthetic: HD Pixel art and the 2.5D world.

Let’s Make A Pokémon Sequel! (15)

Art by Zaebucca (Alessandro Bucca)

Pokémon’s last foray into the 2D medium was the Black/White titles with almost fully animated pixels to great reviews. Since then however games like Owlboy, Triangle Strategy, Eastward, and A Space For The Unbound have really shown how far the art form has evolved. Pixel art as the Pokémon medium clearly has a place in the heart’s of so many, I mean just take a look at the stunning work for the fan project PokemonRedrawn. It would be a shame if these games didn’t take on the challenge to show off how talented GameFreak can still be as pixel artist. Going further I also believe that going the Octopath Traveler style would be the perfect way to marry these two mediums. Allowing for the full range use of depth and dynamic lighting that can be done in game using programs like Unreal Engine 5, similar to what artists like dott (ドット) experimented in (as shown below).

Art by dott (ドット)

Art by dott (ドット)

Art by dott (ドット)

Gameplay: A mix of old and new.

Let’s Make A Pokémon Sequel! (16)

Original artwork sourced from officially released Pokémon artwork.

We both know Pokémon is a turn based game, so that’s not changing. However this time around there’s going to have to be Dynamic Level Scaling. If that sounds odd or you don’t know what it means, let me explain.

Dynamic Level Scaling is when wild Pokémon and versus trainer Pokémon scale to the Pokémon levels you are currently progressing throughout the story with. As well as when the difficulty of the AI you are facing is scaled to the number of badges you may have. In short it helps the game continue to be a challenge for the player and it’s something people have been wishing for awhile.

In addition, HeartGold and SoulSilver’s following Pokémon feature needs to return. GameFreak/Pokemon Company we can’t keep going around in circles on whether or not it’s a game staple. Your consumers love being able to walk side by side with their Pokémon partners on every new adventure. Which means, for a sequel it’s a must have.

Another gameplay feature I think fans would love returning would have to be triple battles. First introduced in generation five, continued in generation six, and then sadly taken away at a whim, to many people’s dismay in later titles. I know bringing it back wouldn’t only be fun but along with the game’s new ribbon feature, it would make battles unpredictably exciting.

Finally, we have talked about how essential it would be for this sequel to be completely open world. Story can always point players in a direction but it should never lock people away in an area. The last two Pokémon generations did dip their toes in the open world genre but it mostly just led to a free roaming experience. However, I believe in this sequel with a limited poly count due to it being 2.5D, a fully open world experience would be truly achievable.

The Score: Ghibli anyone?

Let’s Make A Pokémon Sequel! (17)

Concept Art from Studio Ghibli

I’ll keep this short and sweet, Studio Ghibli has some of the most recognizable music in the world created by Joe Hisaishi. Give us the cinematic orchestral depth that Pokémon deserves!

If GameFreak collaborated with him to create a hauntingly beautiful reinvention of Johto’s legendary soundtrack already laden with emotional weight , I believe the outcome would be one for the ages.

Post Game: Safari Island

Every Pokémon game has something of a post game with its content being either barely anything or elegant like Pokémon Emerald’s Battle Frontier. We touched on before how a sequel should only ever be made as a passion project by those who truly loved where the story ended before, and I only say this because there was very little to do in the original title’s post game. This time around that would need to be corrected. We do that by opening up a special area at the end of the game where, off the coast of Goldenrod City, just waiting for our players to explore. Charmingly called Safari Island due to the 50 non-Johto Pokémon that live on the island, brought there by a very old Safari Zone Warden Baoba who ended up selling his previous Johto Safari Zone near Route 48 to build the island. It’s home to fiercely strong Pokémon but also a place where many gym leaders from around the world come to visit every other week to train and battle. The only difference here is that no one can use items in these battles, making them real moments to prove what your team can do. Secretly in the island, hidden away in its deepest corner are whispers of a deadly Team Rocket rejuvenation stirring within its grounds for you to find out about.

Let’s Make A Pokémon Sequel! (18)

There’s a lot more to talk about, so stay tuned for our second part of Let’s Make A Pokémon Sequel!

Let’s Make A Pokémon Sequel! (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.