The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD WEDNESDAY AUGUST 3 1927 19 5 JOHNSON ETED BUT AILS TO PITCH VICTORY PITTSBURG LOSES TO BOSTON Capital andom Pays Tribute to Johnson Great Pitcher Showered With Honors on 20th Anniversary as Major Leaguer Walter Taken from Box as Detroit Wins 7 to 6 Washington Aug 2 (AP) Honors befitting two decades of brilliant base ball achievement were heaped today upon Walter Johnson the capital Idol of the diamond and one of the great pitchers of all time Solid Gold Cross Besides a roaring demonstration from his home town folk Johnson re ceived from the American league the first distinguished service cross ever awarded any baseball player It was of solid gold studded with 20 dia monds one for each year of his serv ice To their hero of the ball field capi tal fandom gave a handsome silver service and will cause to be erected at Griffith stadium a permanent me morial in the form of a sun dial of bronze and marble rom his teammates the "Big Train" received a silver water pitcher and tray while the Washington and Detroit clubs presented him with a check for $1474605 representing the excels of the gate receipts on John son day over the average receipts for week day baseball games After the presentation ceremonies Johnson walked to the box whor* 20 11 years ago to the day he faced the Detroit Tigers in his first major league game Again he pitched against a Detroit team and his fate was much the same ns it was in his first game Thon he was taken out of the box late in the game and that happened again today in the ninth inning and his team lost 7 to 6 by the same margin as on that other memorable day a single run Walter was charged with defeat then but not today for Washington was leading 5 to 4 when he retired President Coolidge added his word of praise to the many others in a let ter sent from Ttapid City South Dakota to Gen Anton Stephan chair man of the citizens' committee I am sure that 1 speak for all when I say he (Walter Johnson) has been a wholesome influence in clean living and clean sport" the President wrote Your name stands for what Is best in sport" Secretary Kellog told the great pitcher "and your personal life is held as an example for the youth of the country You have helped to make baseball the great American game rivaling in interest every other sport and to extend its fame through out the After there had been insistent cries for a speech from him Walter faced the microphone which carried his voice to the crowd through loud speakers and said: "There's lots I'd like to say but I can't It's been a wonderful day and I want you all to know that I appre ciate lashing some of his old time speed mellowed by cunnirg accumulated in two decades of competition Johnson had weathered oie storm in the fifth inning when Detroit found him for six hits and four runs and appeared to be on the road to victory when a ninth inning rally unseated him While in the box Johnson held the Tigers to eight hits and had struck out six The score DETROIT (ATA WASHINGTON TALI shhpnael nbhpoar Warner 2 2 4 OIRIcar 4 2 1 0 0' Gehr's'r2 3 12 3 0Harris2 3 0 3 1 0 Manushcf 4 0 3 0 4 1 0 0 0 Ruhlect 0 0 0 0 OIMeN'lycf 1 0 0 0 0 4 12 0 olJudcel 3 0 8 4 3 4 0 OIGoslinI 4 3 1 0 Neun1 4 1 10 1 OIRnclc 2 0 11 2 0 2 0 0 1 OIBluegr3 4 2 0 1 0 IWI'VM 0 0 0 1 0Raevesa 4 112 0 Woodallc 4 2 3 0 OUohnsonp 2 0 0 2 0 Whlteh'lp "Oil OlBtaxlonp 0 0 0 0 0 Hol'wnyp 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Stoner 0 (1 0 9 O'Tatet 0 0 0 0 0 Pisslrr 1 0 0 01 Wlnsof 0 0 0 0 01 31 10 27 12 31 0 27 8 0 Detroit 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 Washington 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Runs otbrrgin Hellmann Noun 2 Mc Manus Woodall 2 McNeely Goslln 2 Rn1 Tlluepe Reeve Two base lilts othergill Grhrlnger Bluege Three bnsc hits Goslin Woodall Reeves Stolen bases Harris Geh rlnger Neun Sacrifices Devivclros Judge Ruel Tate Double plays Warner Gehrinc er and Neun 2 Deft on bases Detroit 3 Washington 0 Bases on balls off White hill oft Braxton 1 Struck out by White hill 3 by Johnson fi Hits off Whitehill 5 in fi 2 3 Innings oft Johnson 8 in 8 1 3 innings off Holloway 2 in 1 1 3 innings oft Braxton 1 In 0 off Stoner 2 In 1 off Mar berry 1 In 2 3 Hit by pitcher by Johnson tGehrlnger) Winning pitcher Holloway Rosing pitcher Braxton Umpires Evans McGowan Hildebrand and Ormsby Time 2h 17m Red Sox and Browns Go Halves in Twin Bill Boston Auff 2 (AP) Boston and Pt Louis broke even in a double beader here today both games being fast and closely played The Browns won the opener 3 to 2 when Stewart had the better of Mcayden in a battle Tn the second con test Pitcher Hal Wiltse Boston southpaw let the Browns down with two scratch hits and the Red Sox were victorious 3 to 0 St Louis did not get a hit until the seventh when Sisler hit a fly to left center In the ninth heat out a bunt that went as a hit Wiltse obtained two of Boston's seven hits The score: irst Game ST LOUIS (AL) kt 3 Dennett Sislerl Wiliams! Miller of Adams 2 Rchangc Gerber Stewart lb po a 3 0 2 1 4 12 0 4 16 0 4 14 0 12 0 0 4 15 2 3 1 3 12 4 2 0 0 1 31 7 27 9 I BOSTON (AL) ab po a 3 0 2 10 Ol Hartley 1 0 0 0 0 Myer a 4 0 2 3 0 0 3 2 10 0 0 Regan 2 4 0 5 1 Tarbert'r 4O2O0 0 Shaner 1 4 1 2 0 0 2 Torltl 3 0 10 Welsh 1 a Hofmanc 3 12 0 1 Rnnrali3 0 0 3 2 0 2 0 2 33 6 27 1 1 1 St Louis Boaton 00120000 00002000 Runs Williams Miller Rchnng Shaner Hofmann Two basc hits Miller Hofmann Three base hlts Williams Shaner Snari llcea Stewart Double playa Schang and Adams: Gerber Adams and flialer: Todt Myer and Todt: Regan and Myer Left on bases St Louis 4 Boston 5 Base on balls oft Stewart 1 off Mcaydcn Struck out by Stewart 4 by Marny den 1 Umpires Van Gratian Rowland and Connolly Time Ih 32m Second Game BOSTON (AL) I ST LOUIS (AL) ab po a ab po a 3 0 15 4 12 4 Myera 4 115 4 0 4 1 0 3 10 0 OiSlslorl 3 1 0 0 Regan2 3 1 4 2 1 Wilnisl 2 0 0 no Carlyle 3 12 0 3 0 16 Shaner! 3 I 2 0MellHo2 3 0 4 1 0 Tndt1 3 0 12 0 3 0 3 1 0 Hartley 3 0 2 1 3 0 1 2 1 Wlltsop 3 2 0 1 fijBnllonp 2 0 1 0 lOMler 1 0 0 0 0 7 27 1 1 I 28 2 2 1 10 I Bnfnn 0 1 0 2 Buns Myer Elagstead Wlltse Th rec hasp hit Myer lagstvsd Stolen bases Began Sacrifices Rothrock Regan Double plays MellHo Orber and Slsler: Bennett and O'Neill Rothrock Regan and Todt Left on bases St Louis 2 Boston I IhM on balls off Ballon 2 nff Wilts? 1 Struck out by Ballou 1 by Wilts? 1 Um pires Rowland Van Grattan Connolly Tim Ih 15m Home Run Hitters In the Major Leagues AMERICAN LEAGUE Gehrig New York 35 Ruth New York 34 Lazzeri New York 15 Simmons Philadelphia 14 Williams St Louis 10 NATIONAL LEAGUE Williams Philadelphia 22 Wilson Chicago 18 Hornsby New York 17 Webb Chicago 13 Terry New York 13 Bottomley St Louis 10 Hartnett Chicago 10 Harper New York 10 Herman Brooklyn 9 PALE HOSE DIVIDE WITH ATHLETICS White Sox Cop Opening Game 7 to 4 Mackmen Win 1 2 Inning inal 6 to 5 Philadelphia Aug 2 (AP) The Chicago White Sox and Philadelphia Athletics divided a double header to day the Sox winning the first game by a score of 7 runs to 4 and the Athletics the second by a 6 to 5 mar gin in the 12th inning Bib alk had a perfect day at bat in the opener figuring in the scor ing of all the visitor's runs and get ting four hits in as many times up lu the second game Alex Metzler hit a homer with two out and one on in the nintli that sent the White Sox ahead but the Athletics tied the score on a triple by ox and Collins's single Mickey Cochrane broke the game up in the 12th by hitting a home run over the right field wall The score: irst Game CHICAGO (AL) I PHILA (AL ab po a el ab po a Metzler cf 5 0 3 0 0 Bishop 2 5 2 0 6 0 Hun'field2 4 1 2 4 0 Hale 3 5 3 130 Clancv 1 5 2 11 1 OiWheat 1 4 0 3 1 0 alk 1 I 4 1 OOiCobb cf 4 1100 Barrett 4 2 4 0 O'Cochran 3 15 0 0 Peck 3 0 3 6 0 Dvkes 1 4 114 2 0 Ward 3 3 0 0 0 O'rench 4 0 0 0 2 Crouse 3 0 2 0 0 3 13 1 3 Lyons 4 2 11 ColIins 1 0 0 0 0 IQuinn 2 0 0 3 0 joxxt 0 0 0 0 0 35 11 27 12 1 1 35 0 27 16 5 Chicago 1 0 2 1 0 3 Philadelphia 11001100 0 1 Runs Hunnefield Clancy 2 alk 4 Bish op Cochrane 2 Galloway Two base hits Barrett Cochrane Dykes Hale Home run alk Stolen bases Cochrane rench Sacrifices Peck Crouse Double plays reck and Clancy: Dykes (unassisted): Quinn Dykes and Cochrane Left on bases Chicago 5 Philadelphia 7 Base on balls off Lyons 2 off Quinn 2 Struck out by Lyons 1 by Quinn 2 Umpires Geisel and Owens Time Ih 41m Batted for Galloway in 9th IBatted for Quinn in 9th Second Gama PHILA (AL) I CHICAGO (AL) ab po a ab po a Rlshnp 2 4 2 2 4 liMetzlercf 6 1 2 0 0 Hale 3 5 2 2 3 4 1 2 2 0 Wheat 1 6 0 4 0 0Clancy 1 5 1 13 1 Cobb cf 4 14 1 alk 1 3 0 5 on Cochrane 5 2 6 0 oBarrett 4 2 4 0 1 Dykes 1 a 5 18 2 (Peck 5 3 3 0 rench 4 0 4 0 OfWard 3 5 0 4 4 0 2 0 11 OJCrouse 0 0 0 oxx I 114 0 5 12 2 0 Khmke 3112 3 2 0 3 0 Collins 1 1 0 1 0 Gray 0 0 0 0'Conn'lyp 1 0 0 0 0 Lamar 1 0 0 0 0 Grove 0 0 0 0 0 41 11 36 13 1 12 8435 14 2 Philadelphia 02000011100 Chicago 01 00001120 0 Runs Bishop Cobb Cochrane 2 Dykes oxx Metzler Hunnefield Ward McCurdy Blankenship Two base hits Clancy Blank enship Dykes Hunnefield Cobb Barrett Three base hits Barrett oxx Home runs Blenkenship Metzler Cochrane Stolen bases Ward Hale Sacrifices alk rench Galloway Clancy Hale Double plays Cobb and Hale Blankenship Peck and Clancy Left on basts Chicago 7 Philadelphia 9 Base on balls off Blankenship 3 off Con nally 3 off Ehmke 4 Struck out by Con nally 2 by Khmke 4 Hits off Blankenship 7 In 8 innings off Connally 4 In 3 2 3 off Ehmke 7 in 9 off Gray 1 in 2 off Grove none in 1 Passed ball McCurdy Winning pitcher Grove: losing pitcher Connally Umpires Owens and Geisel Time 2h 25m Batted for Ehmke in 9th Batted for Gray in 11th Two out when winning run scored AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Game St Paul 2 11 2 Toledo 3 7 1 Secoud (liinift RHE St Paul 8 11 2 Toledo 3 10 1 Minneapolis 11 15 1 Columbus 812 1 Kansas City 1 7 1 Indtanapnlis 3 10 1 RHE Milwaukee 0 7 1 Louisville 1 5 0 RUNS OR THE WEEK eastern LEAGUE 5V Tl Albany 5 6 Pittsfield 5 1 Bridgeport 3 Springfield 1 6 Hartford 1 Waterbury 2 New Haven 1 Providence 9 0 AMERICAN LEAGUE Tl New York 1 Washington 7 6 Detroit 2 7 Philadelphia 10 Chicago 12 Cleveland 2 St Ixmis 3 Boston 5 NATIONAL JEAGl'E 8 Tl Pittsburg I 2 Chicago 12 6 6 St Louis 4 3 6 Now York 7 45 2 Cincinnati 8 1 8 Brooklyn 5 2 5 Philadelphia 5 5 2 Boston 4 5 I I AT IO Al 1 EA xDid not play Double header Tl Buffalo 7 Syracuse 2 Hi 4 Baltimore 5 8 Toronto 6 6 Newark 7 Rochester 16 5 1 Jersey City 2 Reading 6 Umpire Managers By eg Murray PLWstt SCOOT MASCOT OMPlfiE CrM svriarbt 102J hv WHO ORMERLY WA5 A NWA6EK WHO VJAa AM Umpire The 7 ages Clarence Kovulano SbJkETAKj OWNEN rf 41 AMD KtHTER singed player 'V MJUiiinrnm'OM a MB 7 xVz '3wm a nv yz lj rD 1 1 11 fl Bl i It fl 7 WL ill 'V 1 wkMJv 5 1 iel cJ PLENTY THRILLS HORSE RACING RESULTS IN GRAND CIRCUIT AT LINCOLN IELDS Also ran erguson Runs 11 Undergrowth Letter Six Charger Prince Don Only avorite to Win Race on Mansfield Track Mansfield Ausr 2 (AP) ans at the semnd day events of the grand circuit races here were treated to many thrills today two of the con tests having been won in the third heats Prince Don was the only favorite of the afternoon to win The summaries: 220 Purse $500 by Bolwin (Bennett) 31 1 Steve Watts (McMillen) 2 2 2 Augusta bl (Perry) 1 5 4 Todd Stout ch (Stout) 5 3 3 Susie Cochate (Cole) 4 4 5 Liberty Girl also started Timo 210 211VS: 210 212 ace Purse 8'00 Mansfield Leland Hotel Prince Don (Perrv) 1 6 1 red (McMillen) 2 1 2 Maybe! Io Direct (Lacey) 4 2 3 Ely Direct bl (Plaxico) 3 3 6 Sam Bingen (Rickabaugh) 5 4 4 Ease ast also tan Time 2084 211 209L 222 Pace Purse $500 Brother John by Count Da shaft (O'Connell) 111 Dan A Logan fCole) 2 3 3 Colorado King (Wilson) 4 2 2 Hollyrood Shirley hr (Lacey) 6 5 5 Oakwood Boy (Huber) 7 6 6 Channy and Dabster also ran Time 2 1 1 Vj 5 2124 214 AIRVIEWS LEADING CHICOPEE CITY LOOP Games in the Chicopee City league this Sunday find the Willimansett Crescents meeting the Nonotucks at Hafey's field the Hillsides and Hem locks at Sheridan street and the airviews and Sandy Hill Eagles at Sandy Hill with Hogan Sullivan and Sheehan officiating The rain has hit this circuit hard and a majority of the games have been postponed Thee will be played as twilight games and on Saturdays The air views are leading the league with five victories and the Hemlocks are sec ond with four victories and one de feat Tho standings: J'airviews 5 0 1000 Tjatayettps 1 3 20 Hemlocks 4 1 SOOiHillsides 1 4 200 Nonotucks 2 2 500 liSandy Hill Crescents 2 3 4091 Hagies 1 4 200 Local Net Player Loses Match in Nutmeg ourney Norfolk Ct Aus Allyn Rehr of New York winner of the Connecticut state tennis tournament here last year started this competition today wit ha 6 1 6 0 victory over A White The only two time winner in the tournament Percy Kynaston of Rochville Center who took legs on the Bridge man cup in 1922 and 1923 will play his first match tomorrow Play con tinues throughout Saturday on the Norfolk Country club courts The' scores: Guinann of llartford defeated Weller nf Cfaryville 6 John Barr of Tedesco Beach defeated A Steele of Hartford 4 6 3 6 3 Williams of Lake 'Waramaug de feated Grant of Hartford 6 4 7 Bache of New York defeated Uj McKnight of Springfield Pegram of Riverdale de feated A Bent of Springfield by default Allyn Behr of New York defeated A White of Yonkers 6 1 6 0 II Hallock of Great Barrington defeated Sterling of New York 0 1 9 7 A Wright Hartford defeated Kitchen New York 6 3 it 1 11 Appleton Springfield defeated Clifford Chapin Jr Great Barrington 6 0 6 2 IRST RACE 3 yr olds and upward 6 furlongs Purse $1200 Time 112 1 5 Horse and Jockey Wt St Pl Sh Agness Call (Jenner) 103 2012 744 436 Shasta Lad (Philpot) 102 590 390 Red Grange (Pool) 109 326 Also Blaze II Our Gains Blue Mask Hats Up Baalbec McComas Vellas SECOND RACE 3 yr olds and upward 6 furlongs Purse $1200 Time 111 3 5 Horse and Jockey Wt St Pl Sh Hornsby (Pichon) 107 1656 648 332 Elizabeth Seth (D'ma) 101 358 226 Hot Time (Hardy) 107 242 Also ran Red Heart George Groom Grand Dad THIRD RACE 3 yr nMs and upward 1 1 16 miles Purse $1200 Tinie 146 2 Horse and Jockey Wt St Pl Sh Lieutenant Seth 102 4236 1236 886 Eternal Magic (Rusll)' 97 662 522 Princess Elma (J 10! 1400 Also ran Casino Ruben Roells Mary Carr Sphere Homage ifteen Sixty Im perial Eagle Transfer OURTH 2 yr olds 6 furlongs Purse $1200 Time 114 Horse and Jockey Wt St Tl Sh Stitches (Chivetti) 109 1546 66 376 Helen 109 532 318 Joe Adams (Morris) 109 340 Also ran lady Loose Honey Loy Kis cher Macher Spring Bud Honeyfish I'ug Joy Bells Blue Rose Isaac ITH 3 yr olds and upward 1 mile Purse $1700 Time 13H 4 5 Horse and Jockey Wt St Pl Sb Barbara (Hardy) 98 1698 596 280 Rothermel 115 374 246 Rhinock (Pichon) 18 228 Also ran Cudgeller Binary Star SINTI! 3 yr olds 1 mile Purse $1200 Tim 137 3 5 Horse and Jockey Wt St Tl Sh annie (Jenner) 105' 574 330 250 Wooldridge t'Y 108 4 08 342 airy Man (Philpot) 381 Also ran Sea Lion Guerdon Lepanto Benito Speedometer SEVENTH 4 yr olds and upward 1U miles Purse $1200 Time 154 1 5 Horse and Jockey Wt St ri Sh Wrackhorn (J Smith) 105 1988 848 606 Shasta Bally (Hughesi 100 1728 85(1 Bird Behave 111 416 Also ran Dr Tanner Desert Gold Barn Dollar Gentleman Jouetta My Destiny Re peater Clapper Pompeus Paul Weldel II AT SARATOGA IRST furlongs purse $1000 Time 169 Horse and Jockey Wt Polls (H Thurber) 110 Skavar (G Ellis) llo Timekeeper (E Barnes) 118 two year olds Pl Sh 3 1 7 5 2 1 even 6 5 3 5 Also ran Star Gold Rendezvous Mop Up The Cossack og Sporting 4 in Bystander Inca Aster Rhyme and Reason Judge Bart lett Ederle Millson Kite and Bridgegroom SECOND RACE Shillelah steeplechase about: two miles three year olds and up purse $2000 Time 426 3 5 Horse and Jockey Wt St Tl Sh Brantome (erguson) 150 3 5 1 4 out Nomad (LCheynr) 195 13 5 3 5 nut Maureen Bowd (Preece) 141 15 1 4 1 6 5 Also ran Rorke Drift Crimson Dawn THIRD RACE One mile three year olds purse $1000 Time 141 1 5 Horse and Jockey Wt Stx Tl Sh Retaliate Horvath) 102 2 7 1 3 1 Crystal (Weiner) 105 3 1 even 2 5 Ben ithus (G Johnson) 125 13 5 4 5 1 3 Also ran Royal Play Astron Easy Money and Royal Charge OURTH Six furlongs three year nlds and up purse $1200 Time 113 1 5 Horse and Jockey Wt St Sh Happy Argo 126 11 10 1 3 out Extreme Weiner) 13 5 7 10 1 4 Stnrm King CL a tor) 111 15 1 5 1 2 1 Also ran Gun Royal Bonnie Khayyam Montferrat and Millnick fifth 'RACE 5 Vi furlongs two year olds purse $1000 Time 108 1 5 Horse and Jockey Wt St Tl' Sh Sledge Ham (Kelsay) 115 12 1 5 1 5 2 Sublevadv (Lator) 120 13 5 even 1 2 Celebration (E Barnes) 115 6 1 5 2 6 5 Also ran Montanic Jack Dempsey Char ley Red Bridge Indian Scout Give and Take Beelzebub Laughing 'air Enough Binnacle Postage and St Henelt SIXTH RACE 14 miles three yearolds and up purse $1000 Time 156 Horse and Jockey Wt St rL 'Sh War Lord (Craigmile) 1 14 8 1 5 2 6 5 Athel Weiner) 105 5 2 even 2 5 Gormond (P isher) 105 6 1 2 1 even Also ran Clear Sky Wampoe King Solo Seal Black Bart and Tractor AT JLICELAM) DALTON GTRL ATHLETES Dalton Aug 2 The Pine Grove park playground baseball team will meet the Craneville playground girls in a game tomorrow afternoon at Craneville in the first of a series of contests The tilt will start at 230 LEA DON ON TOP Dalton Aug 2 William Glendon Dalton High athlete is leading the Community baseball league in stolen bases by a wide margin A A A AMS ASH Because of a mlxup in the schedule the Agawam town team will oppose the Agawam Eagles on riday after noon instead of meeting the derricks of West Springfield IRST yr olds and upward 6 furlongs Purse $800 Time 115 3 5 Horse and Jockey Wt St Sh Double Rainbow 16 7000 2200 860 Efeldee (Mertz) 100 1000 560 Society Scandal 105 320 Also ran Cobweb Dr Dabney Air Castle Parmelee feweet Inver Traproe MulHghn Andry SECOND 2 yr olds 6 furlongs Purse $800 Time 116 uso and Jockey Wt St Pl Sh Beau Aspln (Judy) 116 1020 500 260 A la Adh (Gray) 113 340 240 Wrist Watch (Mertz 113 200 Also ran Walking Home Silent Jack Son of Midway Albert Blanton THIRD RAC 3 1 milp yards Purse $snu Horse Kand Jockey Wt Ruth Gnld (Meyer J06 Accumulator (Chilcutt) 114 Sue Barker (Root) 103 and upward Time 147 2 5 St Sh 740 380 320 320 26O 540 OURTH 3 yr olds and upward 7 furlongs Purse $S00 Time 127 2 5 Horse and Jockey Wt St Pl Sh Oseda (Root) 1(18 900 480 300 Upstart (Scoble) 112 880 400 Overdraft (Meyer) 113 300 Also ran Captain Jackson Coohogan Panorel ITH RACE 3 yr olds and upward 7 furlongs Purse $800 Time 126 1 5 Horse and Jockey Wt St Pl Sh Thistle Gold (Aron) 112 1120 4 20 280 Prisoner (Chilcutt) 113 4 20 260 resco (Root) 107 280 Also ran Royal Julian Dawn O'Virginia Longworth SIXTH RACE 2 year olds 54 furlongs Purse $800 Time 103 3 5 Horse and Jockey Wt St Sh Red Ace (Root) 111 520 380 300 Roger (ronk) 113 1560 600 Greta (Mertz) 103 300 Also ran Dentss Divorcee Golden Tint ed Clear Star Madam Emilie Peralta SEVENTH RACE 3 yr olds and upward ls miles Purse $800 Time 155 1 5 Horse and Jockey Wt Pl Sh Norseman (Aron 107 2460 680 400 Tick Took (Merimee) 107 320 260 rightful (Josiah) 107 300 Also ran Counsellor Connelly West Point Bobbie Long Tort BRANTOME CAPTURES SARATOGA EATURE New York Aug 2 Bran tome of Nirs Payne Whitney's Green tree stable today won the Shillelah steeplechase oyer the two mile course at Saratoga Nomad in the silks ofMarshall ield was second and Maureen Bawn third The race was worth $3125 to the winner Brantome out classed the field and after following the pace for halt a mile rushed into the lead and won by five lengths "The Luzerne handicap at Saratoga was captured by Happy Argo with extreme second and Storm King third Stitches galloped off with the day's feature at Lincoln fields Helen was second and Joe Adams third Time for the six furlongs was 11 1 The feature at Kaceland went to Oseda who galloped the seven fur longs in 127 2 5 Upstart took the place from Overdraft Zimmerman Will Desert Bachelor Ranks Milford Aug 2 (AP) Walter Zimmerman of Worcester former star third baseman for the New York Giants is to become a benedict The first banns were pub lished Sunday in St Mary's church for his marriage the 16th to Miss Christine Logee of Milford who is how a salesman is best known perhaps for the part he played in the Giants Athletics world series of 1911 when he chased Collins of the Athletics across the plate with the winning run in at tempting to catch him on the third base path The fleet footedEddie won and so did the Athletics Dalton Boys Will Watch Hiilies at Wahconah Park Dalton Aug Knothole gangs have been organized among Dalton playground boys to tqke advantage of "Knothole day at Wah conah park in Pittsfield Membership 'gives boys under 16 an opportunity to see Eastern league baseball games free of charge Ben Dillenbeck Pine Grove park playground direc tor Is arranging to take a group of boys to see the game on riday All boys yho wish to go should seshim before tomorrow evening NEW ENGLAND LEAGUE At Portland Me Lawrence' at Portland postponed wet giounds At Manchester II Manchester 8 10 2 Lynn 2 9 3 Batteries: Wolfe and laherty Shuman and Lewiston 8 13 0 Salem 2 9 3 Batteries: Bushey and Bradshaw Sim mon Sullivan and Starr Nashua 1 9 0 Haverhill 9 8 Batteries: Metivier and Moller Dolan Malin and Lutz SHIELDS WHIPS HELEN WILLS IN EXHIBITION SETS Braves Capture Third In Row from Corsairs THERE IS KOT A WEAK SPOT zv THEM fr BERKS I II There is good style as well as I good solid comfort andjong unequaled service in Aratex Collars The smart long point styles can only be had in a banded collar like Aratex i 35 3102 sAlade by the alters of ARROW COLLARS Metropolitan Clay Court Champ Downs Californian Net Star 8 6 6 4 Wins in Tourney Play orest Hills Aug 2 (AP) rancis Shields metropolitan clay court champion took time enough off from the national junior outdoor tennis title play today to whip Miss Helen Wills Wimbledon women's crown holder in an exhibition match by scores of and 6 4 After winning a singles match to gain the fourth round along with Julius Scligson national junior indoor champion another favorite for out door honors Shields went back to tho courts to practice with the California girl who defaulted in the Seabright tournament Although Miss NVills's stroking was hard and clean and counted many placements she was unable to cope with swift cross court drives and powerful service Both Shields and Seligson romped through early matches againts fellow New York youths Seligson took both Robert Oshmond and Hverctt Smith into camp by the amse scores 6 0 6 2 and Shields downed Nathan Alexander without loss of a game Other seeded players came through without mishap In the championship division however two favored players George Allisan Jr and Bernard Barron both of New York fell by the 'way side Leo Bottari of New York dis posed of Allison at 1 6 6 3 7 5 and John Eustis another metropoli tan representative bested Barton in straight sets 7 5 6 2 Bottari was joined in the fourth round by Kready of Lancaster Pa Julian Wishik of New York and oulke of Philadelphia Kready overcame Wilmer Hines of Columbia 0t 6 1 6 fi 2 Wishik won from Jr of Hartford Ct 6 2 1 6 6 2 and oulke downed John Ray of Boston 6 2 BUGLE CALL WINS MONROE EATURE Martin Pilots Gelding to Straight Heat Victory in Orange County Special Dispatch to The Republican Monroe Aug Racing was delayed for a short time today on ac count of the track being solf at the polt but once the races were start ed they were run off in a fine man ner 1 he summaries 209 Trot Turse $2000 Trumpet by Etawah Mary Tip ton by Walnut Hall (Hod son) 5 Plain Mary nr by Aathan Ax worthy (Garrison) 1 Aileen Guy ch by Guy Axworthy (Tyson) Peter Buskirk by Peter the Great (Pitman) David bg by Rico (Bunch) 9 Cinema 4 by Belwin (Dicker son) Bee Worthy by Ortolan Ax worthy (Hyde Rena Azoft by Azoft (Martin) 8 Worthy Todd by Peter Wortny (Rodney) 6 Time 212 21044 2H44 218 Trot Purse $5000 Bude Calf 4 by Guy Axworthy Mary Tipton 217i by Walnut Hall (Martin) 1 irst Choice br 4 by Guy Ax worthy (Dickerson) Clara Bascom gr by Peter Scott (Rodney) Prince I by Princeton (H Brusie) 7 Spatfast by Tramntast (Snow) 4 Myra Harvester bl by The Har vester (Pratt) 3 Peter llayer 4 by Chestnut Peter (Heasleyi 3 Time 21114 210 210 Pace Purse $2009 Bert Abbe by The Abbe Miss Ella 212)4 by Mack (Hod son) 1 Prue Grattan by Grattan Royal I Cartnail Hazel MeKIyo br nr by Peter Klyo (Martin) 4 Janet Royal by Gratian Royal (Sturgeon) Neill risco by San rancisco (Mosher) Golden Direct ch by Walter Di reel (Tyson) 0 Time i Liberlv Braves Cancel Game With A The second game of the series be tween the A and the Lib erty Braves scheduled for this coming Sunday has been called off Manager Greenberg of the and Manager (Juint of the Braves met last flight to complete arrangements for the playing of the game As the first game was played at Van Horn the second game of the series should be played at orest park Ma ha ger Greenberg reserved the diamond but the Braves management refused to play unless extra time for practice and play if needed was secured As it is impossible to arrange for extra time 'Manager Quint requested that the game be declared off The Hebrew manager immediately got in touch with Manager Mitchell of the Mitchell Bed Tops and ar ranged to have the A oppose the Red Tops at orest park at 2 on No 1 diamond These teams played at the Emily Bill playground a few weeks ago with the contest being called at the start of the eighth in ning because of the 6 ruling with both clubs tied with three runs apiece 1 1 9 7 0 3 5 7 3 4 8 6 4 8 dr 1 1 3 2 5 4 3 5 6 6 4 1 1 3 3 4 6 5 4 6 5 Kent Greenfield Continues His Excellent Hurling and Boston Wins by 5 to 2 Carmen Hill orced from Box '8 LrftjruH el pn 3 0 4 0 31 and Rampaging Reds Annex ab po 5 4 0 9 0 0 3 0 4 4 6 po 0 31 12 Drn ssn 0 3 4 0 ab a 4 4 0 4 1 0 ab a 14 4 0 0 3 (i 1 0 CH 33 9 6 4 4 0 0 a 0 0 0 (I 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 AB 407 4 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 po 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 Bancroft High 3 Welsh cf arrell 2 ournier! Brown 1 1 90 ago 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 (P 1 4 0 fl 1 1 0 47 80 ab 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 389 316 1 3 0i0 105 60 63 Dressen 3 Bressler I Walker Pippl ords Critz2 Kolpp Luquep Sto Mc by 89 102 98 67 99 n' a 0 0 0 0 Partridge! Sacrifice 98 rc39'1 f39! po 3 Bressler I Walker Dipp 1 ord Critz 2 ricinichc May 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 409 318 today 3 0 Brooklyn anclwas with the victory Totals 31 '7 2U 5 2 0 0 0 00 a 3 1 4 0 1 0 0 1 6 2 6 0 2 0 1 0 0 (I 0 Toporcer po a 0 0 0 0 1 0 34 7 27 10 0 0 0 0 ord Dressen Struck out Base on balls Cincinnati Brooklyn Runs Pipp fen oases eeny May 4 Hit by pitcher by McWeeny (May pnen May Cincinnati 9 Hart Time 3 1 O'O 4 3 1 0 0 Statzcf 0 1 Carey jrdrickl 0 'elix! 0 iBntlers 1 Herman 1 lBarrett3 jElliottp (NL) po i roi lonurj mi uy uiu nru by Alexander Reese Bas on balls off Alexander 1 off Henry Struck out bylexnder 1 Hits off Alexander 6 in 8 off Sherdel none in 1 Left on bases St Louis New York 4 Winning pitcher Alexander Umpires McCormick Klem and McLaughlin Time Ih 27m 4 0 0 3 0 0 4 4 4 3 3 Left on bases Brooklyn 6 Umpires Rigler Jorda and Ih 35m more hits Two the Cubs aided 3 04C2 2 5 1 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 00 0 Player and Club Simmons Thila Gehrig Ruth Speaker Wash Miller StL Leader a year Detroit 396 Adams 3 English Webbr 1 Wilson rf Grimm 1 Hartnett Beck 2 Bushp 3 Second Game NT) 1 BROOKLYN ab 4 NEW YORK ournier Hogan Tvo base hits Stolen base 4 la 3 4 If 9 4 4 3 Sukeforth Kolp Hargreaves Two bases Hendrick 2 Sukforth Kolp Game I BROOKLYN (NL) ei an po i ran ge 2 4 1 yia rz cr 0 Carey Hendr'kl 0 elix I 0 Butler 0 Barrett 3 a Henline Totals 32 Cincinnati Brooklyn Runs Plnn Carey Hendrick elix base hit Elliott Stolen Christensen Sacrifices Double plays Critz ord and Pipp: ord Critz and Pipp Dressen Critz and Pipp 2 Struck out by Plltt 1 by Elliott 2by Kolp 2 by Luque 2 T'ase on balls offlitt 3 off Elliott 4 off Kolp 3 Left on Brooklyn 3 Cincinnati 13 Hits 'off Plltt 6 in 2 1 3 innings off Elliott 3 in 5 2 3 in nings off Kolp 6 in 6 innings (none out in 7th off Luque 1 in 3 innings Winning pitcher Luque Losing pitcher Plitt Um pires Jorda Hart and Rigler Ih 50m Boston Pittsburg 0 Runs Richbourg Greenfield Wright Welsh 2 Cuyler Waner Stolen base Richbourg Sacrifices arrell ourpier Waner Gooch Double playa Rhyne and Harris Left on base Boston 5 Pittsburg 11 Base on balls off oft Greenfield 2 Struck out by Greenfield 3 by Dawson 3 Hits nff Hill in 62 3Mn nings off Dawon 1 in 2 inningsXJLosing jntener hiu umpires Quigley wiison firman Time 2h 7m ya 6 0 CINCINNATI 130 37G 138 370 IP!) 369 today othergill PHILA ab Sa nd 3 Leach cf JWilaonc Cooney National "League SPECIALIST in lung skin kidney blood stomach and nil chronic diseases Gradu nted In America nnd Europe 15 ears in Jloston 8 years In 10 a te 12 2 to 5 7 to 8 ni Sundav ne office hours Phone 5 2412 6 MAPLE ST SrRINGJElD 2d Donr from State St One night Up St Loui New York Run Doulhit Snyder Blades Terry hit Holm Home run Pnnsh Ta lot Hnlm Double plays Hafey and Snyder Srhuble Toporcer and 1 1 Twin Bill from Dodgers Cincinnati Au? 2 (AP) Cincin nati recovered fifth place in6 the Na tional from' Brooklyn today with a double victory over the Robins 3 to 1 and 5 to 4 McWeeny and Maboth allowed only seven hits in the7 first fray but the former was handicapped by Brooklyn errors Luque went to Kolp's rescue with the tying run on base in the seventh of the closing struggle stopping officially credited The scores: 5 3 Chicago Philadelphia nuns' VHirn' Bush Sand Leach English xvebP son Double Wriffhtstone Beck and Grimm delnhla 6 Chicago Bush 1 nff erguson 7 Bush 1 by erguson 3 by erguson (L Wilson) don and Moran EARL BAT PUTS CUBS ACROSS 2 Cuyler cf 0 PW'nerr 0 Wright (Harris I 0 Rhyne 2 0 Gooch lApencer iHill i DawsonpSmith Giants Weaken in Eighth Cardinals Winning by 6 to 2 St Louis Aug (AP) The Car dinals' took advantage of the collapse of the New York defense in the eighth inning today scoring six runs and defeating the Giants by 6 to 2 in the last game of the series It was St only victory in the four game engagement with New York Jackson's fumble of Douthit's grounder with a double play in front of him started the Cards in their comeback and before the session' was over Snyder hit a home run with two on base The score: ST LOUIS (XL) i) the error permitlin The score PITTSBURG el ab hpb a 5 0 '4 0 13 A 3 2n 1 1 1 349 Hargrave 29 6 24 11 0 9 (1 1 0 1 risch Ha fey Jackson Two base Snyder Sacrifices Stolen base Jackson 0 Reese 3 0 Ott 1 ollloushcf (lHornsbv2 HlTerry 1 OlJaeksons OlHarper (HTaylor 0 Henry Player and Club Waner Pitts Hauls its Barnhart Pitts risch St Louis Harner Leader a year ago Cincinnati 385 ab Douthit cf risch 2 l'ot'mlry1 Hafey 1 lolm 1 Snyder Schublp Bell 3 Alex'der Sherdel Blades 2 Pittsburg A tig 2 Riston made a clean sweep of the tpree game series with Pittsburg by thin ning today 5 to 2 Kent GreenfiklX kept the nine hits wellpscaV tered Hill leading National leagu'J hurler was given faulty support'? Ha was forced from the game inthA seventh inning when he was injured after dropping Harris's assis't'oat first base the error permitting! two Bravos to score ah (i 0 a 3 1 0 Critz Critz bv JfcWwnV on Mcvv eeny Chicago Defeats Philadel phia and Increase Lead to 1 i Games Over Pirates Chicago Aug (AP) Cubs today increased their lead over the Pittsburg Pirates to a game and half by defeating Philadelphia 6 to 2 while Boston won from Pittsburg Alex erguson blew up in the second inning when the Cubs staged a four run rally in which Ear Webb cracked out a double driving Adams and Eng lish across the pan Webb also drove in the final run for the Cubs in the sixth Bush settled down after the third inning the visitors being able to gather only three fast double plays by Bush The score: CHICAGO (NL) po 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 Wpbh Beck ive Leading Hitters In Each Major League 6 2 1 0 0 WlRh Two hap hits Leach Bush Sacrifice Wil tilays Cooney Thompson andBeck and Grimm: Enclish Left on bases rnua 10 Base on balls off Struck out by Hit by pitcher Umpires Rear Time Ih 40m 36 r9 27 11 3 032020 ord 2 Greenfield Nine Conquers Shelburne alls Tossers Davi? features The score Grctnfleld Aug 2 Shelburne alls lost a 5 to 2 gamp to Greenfield today and could do nothing with Nichols's pitching in the pinches The Green field High coach had no trouble hold ing the visitors at bay Greenfield took a liking to offering? and made the blows count when need ed The score: GREENIELD I SHEL ALLS ab po a ab po a Tlk kscf 3 1 2' 00Madlsons 3 1 4 2 1 Roberts 4 113 I IBurnsl 3 0 12 10 Benoit 3 3 0 2 1 oB'geroncf 3 1 0 Trauske2 4 1 2 2 1 Reil3 4 1110 Hickey 1 2 17 0 1 JGerryl 4 110 1 Lyons 31710 3 0 0 0 0 Th'psonl 2 12 0 1 Lawless 2 4 0 1 2 2 Durkee 4 2 1 0 0 Goodellc 4 3 12 0 Nichols 3 3 0 2 0 Demers 4 0 14 0 Gilstrap 0 0 0 0 0 Spontagf 0 0 0 0 0 28 11 24 9 4 32 7 21 12 1 Greenfield 0 2 11 1 0 Shelburne alls 6 0 0 0 2 0 0 Runs Roberts Trauske 2 Gilstrap Thompson Spontag Demers Two baee hits Thompson Gerry Stolen bases Trauske Madison Sacrifice hits Hicks Benoit Lyons Thompson 2 Madison Left on bases Greenfield 6 Shelburne alls 10 Base on balls off Nichols 3 off Demers Hit by pitcher by Demers (Hickey) Struck out by Nichols 6 by Demers 1 Passed ball Goodell Umpire Schoulder Time Ih 40m Gilstrap ran for Lyons in the game I.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


What was Springfield MA originally called? ›

The history of Springfield, Massachusetts dates back to the colonial period, when it was founded in 1636 as Agawam Plantation, named after a nearby village of Algonkian-speaking Native Americans.

Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

How do I contact Mass Live? ›

If you need assistance with your subscription, please call our support desk at 413-788-1100.

What is special about Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Springfield, MA is the birthplace of basketball and home to Dr. Seuss, offering a rich history and vibrant cultural scene for visitors to explore. With its “City of Firsts” title, Springfield boasts a diverse array of attractions, from museums and parks to iconic landmarks and entertainment venues.

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

In terms of race and ethnicity, Springfield is 51.8% White, 22.3% Black or African American, 0.6% American Indian and Alaska Native, 2.4% Asian (1.2% Vietnamese, 0.3% Chinese, 0.2% Indian, 0.1% Cambodian, 0.1% Filipino, 0.1% Korean, 0.1% Pakistani, 0.1% Laotian), 0.1% Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, 18.0% ...

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

What was the federal arsenal in Springfield? ›

Springfield Armory was established in 1777 as a federal arsenal; as an arsenal, firearms that supplied the Continental Army during the American Revolution were stored here. After the Revolution, Springfield Arsenal was officially established as a federal armory where arms could be stored and produced.

Who owns Springfield Underground? ›

The Erlen Group is a family-owned group of companies, with assets like the Springfield Underground, Cold Zone, the Frisco Building and Lime Light Development, a developer of industrial parks and warehouses in southwest Missouri, according to the company website.

Is Mass a good place to live? ›

Pros of living in Massachusetts

Living in Massachusetts provides a blend of historical charm and modern amenities, making it a great place to live. The state has a robust educational system and a thriving job market, offering ample opportunities for personal and professional growth.

How do I contact mass government? ›

  1. Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office at (617) 725-4005.
  2. Toll-free in Massachusetts Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Toll-free in Massachusetts at (888) 870-7770.

How do I contact Massdot? ›

Massachusetts Department of Transportation
  1. For all departments Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, For all departments at (857) 368-4636. ...
  2. Toll Free Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Toll Free at (877) 623-6846. ...
  3. TTY Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, TTY at (857) 368-0655.

Is Springfield MA expensive? ›

What's the cost of living in Springfield, MA? Springfield is affordable Compared to other east coast metropolitan areas like Boston and New York City. Housing tends to get more expensive the further from the city center you go. The city's median home sale price is lower than the national median.

What is the crime rate in Springfield MA? ›

Springfield Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes1,3393,697
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)8.6924.00

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Group from Springfield's Sister City of Takikawa, Japan Visit the City: City of Springfield, MA.

Where did Springfield get its name? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex. Springfield, Massachusetts, became nationally important in 1777, when George Washington founded the United States' National Armory at Springfield.

What weapon such as the Springfield named after the Massachusetts city? ›

In 1795, the Springfield Armory produced the new nation's first musket - the Model 1795 Musket which was largely patterned after the French Charleville musket which had armed the French army during the American Revolution.

Why do they call Springfield Queen city? ›

Springfield earned the nickname “Queen City” as a major hub of culture and commerce in the Ozarks. Our Queen City Garden is a major hub of ornamental flowers and the wildlife it attracts through the seasons.

Is The Simpsons set in Springfield MA? ›

A panoramic view of Springfield, as seen in The Simpsons Movie (2007). According to the creator of the series, Oregon native Matt Groening, Springfield was inspired by a number of real-life locations (including Springfield, Oregon, and West Springfield, Massachusetts).

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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

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Job: Mining Supervisor

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.